A joyfully Franciscan view of Catholic life, inspired by St. Clare (Santa Chiara) of Assisi!

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Location: Virginia, United States

Chiara Offreduccio (St. Clare) was born in 1194. It is said that when her mother had Chiara in her womb, an angel appeared to her and said, "your child will be a light that will illuminate the world!" Hence, her mother named the child Chiara, which means "light. As G.K. Chesterton put it, St. Clare was a romantic figure just like Juliet was. However, instead of running away from her family in order to be with an earthly man, Clare gave up everything and ran away from her family for the love of her Savior!

Monday, February 12, 2007

A Collection of 'Classic Chiara' Posts

Dear ‘Chiara’ friends…….I went to vote for another friend’s blog for the Catholic Blog Awards and noticed that “Canticle of Chiara” had been nominated for the category of “Most Spiritual Blog.” I’m very flattered and honored, especially because so many other wonderful blogs were nominated for the same category. Many thanks to whoever nominated me.
I’m also very happy that the Poor Clares’ blog, “Clare- Light on the Mountain” was also nominated for two different categories!

In case you’d like to vote for “Canticle of Chiara,” here is the link to the ballot. I’ve also prepared a list below of what I consider to be some of my best and “most spiritual” blogposts:

“The Bridegroom: A Fairy Tale About a ‘Bride of Christ’” (This is my personal favorite post. I’ve also had the pleasure of meeting in person several friends of “Canticle of Chiara,” and they’ve said that this was their favorite post, too!)


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