A joyfully Franciscan view of Catholic life, inspired by St. Clare (Santa Chiara) of Assisi!

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Chiara Offreduccio (St. Clare) was born in 1194. It is said that when her mother had Chiara in her womb, an angel appeared to her and said, "your child will be a light that will illuminate the world!" Hence, her mother named the child Chiara, which means "light. As G.K. Chesterton put it, St. Clare was a romantic figure just like Juliet was. However, instead of running away from her family in order to be with an earthly man, Clare gave up everything and ran away from her family for the love of her Savior!

Friday, November 17, 2006


Happy Feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary! This week I've grown very close to St. Elizabeth of Hungary as I read about her life. In fact, since I am a laywoman, her life is almost more applicable to me than that of St. Clare. Nonetheless, St. Elizabeth has shown that even though she didn't wear the habit of the Seraphic Order, she was no less a Franciscan than the traditional Franciscan Saints. Her life has taught us that our station in life shouldn't hold us back from being in love with the Franciscan Order and embracing the way of St. Clare and St. Francis.

Below is a lovely poem/prayer for this Feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary:

O blest Elizabeth, in glory
Enthroned amid the heavenly throng,
Be gracious to accept the praises
We offer you in cheerful song.
As you from home and hearth were driven
And forced in direst want to roam,
So now direct us lonely exiles
And help us reach our heavenly home.
You practiced poverty: enrich us
With heaven's choicest gifts secure;
You daily mortified your body:
Help us to keep our bodies pure.
The luring world and wily Satan
You overcame by watchful prayers;
Teach us with steadfast heart to conquer
Our enemies' deceitful snares.
To God the Father highest glory
And to his only Son, our Lord.
Together with the Holy Spirit,
As years and ages endless run.


Blogger Laura H. said...

I had the pleasure of spending this Franciscan feast in a Franciscan convent! It was a beautiful feastday. :)

5:50 AM  

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