Saturday, April 22, 2006

Prayer for Poor Clare Colettines as They Travel to Conference

Dear friends of "Canticle of Chiara"......I know that all of our dear Poor Clare Colettines have been praying for us, and now it's time that they need our prayers!

Mother Mary Clare of Bethlehem Poor Clare Monastery in Virginia informed me today that she and many other Poor Clare Colettines from around the world (including the Netherlands) will be travelling to California for a conference of their Federation of Mary Immaculate.

Please bear in mind that for a cloistered nun, it is very difficult whenever she leaves her cloister....much less travel halfway around the world! Thus, they need our prayers during this time. I reccomend that you ask the intercession of St. Colette, who was the reformer of the Order. While reforming her Order, St. Colette had to travel thousands of miles, so she is definitely in a position to help these lovely nuns on their journey!

Here is a prayer that you may want to use:

Dear Father, through the intercession of your servant St. Colette,
Protect your faithful daughters of the Mary Immaculate Federation of the Poor Clare Coletinnes
As they journey to California for their conference.

May you look over them as they journey to their destination
May you grant them wisdom and patience during the conference
And grant them peace and protection as they journey home


Have a wonderful conference, Sisters!

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