Friday, April 21, 2006

Catholic Identity Crisis at Notre Dame: PRAYER REQUESTS NEEDED!

Dear Brothers and Sisters of "Canticle of Chiara":

Following up on yesterday's post, I am very concerned about the state of Catholic identity at my beloved University of Notre Dame, after our president John Jenkins made his decision to continue the staging of the Vagina Monologues as well as other events that will severely detract from the Catholic nature of this University. This decision is deeply saddening after so many people, students, staff, and faculty alike, have worked so hard to promote the Truth of Holy Mother Church and Her teachings on campus- I am afraid that many people might be led astray by the staging of these other events that are contrary to the Church's teachings.

Thus, dear friends, I enjoin you to take action in making your opposition to this decision known via writing, and more importantly, prayers.

Part I: Writing

Please write to the University of Notre Dame's Administration expressing your disapproval.


Part II: Prayers

As you know from reading my blog, I hold the belief that the prayers of contemplative nuns and other consecrated religious are particularly addition, of course, to your own personal prayers.

Many nuns have websites that accept prayer requests online. To make the job easy for you, I have collected a list of most of the communities that accept online prayer reuqests or have e-mails for prayer requests.

Please submit a variation of the following form letters to the nuns on the list that I have provided to you:

Dear Sisters:

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to solicit my prayer request to you- I have utmost faith in the power of you prayer on behalf of the following appeal:

On April 5, 2006, Father John Jenkins, CSC, President of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, USA, published a letter stating that he would allow the on-campus performance of "The Vagina Monologues" to continue. He also approved other events that go against Catholic values. I am very concerned about the future Catholic identity of the University of Notre Dame, since "The Vagina Monologues" is a sexually explicit play that glamorizes immoral behavior which is antithetical to the Gospel. By reducing a woman’s identity to a part of her anatomy, the play degrades the dignity of human beings. The continued performance of this play will only confuse young people as to the nature of their God-given bodies. Moreover, the on-campus performance of this play and similar events detract from the Catholic character of Notre Dame that generations of individuals have helped to build.

Thus, I humbly ask that you and your sisters hear my petition and pray for Fr. Jenkins and the University of Notre Dame. Pray that, if it be God’s Holy Will, Fr. Jenkins may be filled with the Holy Spirit and have a change of heart regarding these matters. Moreover, please pray that Our Lady’s University continue to be, in the words of our founder, Fr. Sorin, “a primary source of good” in this world by continuing to maintain its Catholic identity.

Thank you for your prayers.

In Notre Dame,


Here is a list of all the nuns/sisters that accept prayer requests online:

Contemplative Nuns at Prayer- Provided by the Archdiocese of St. Louis

Carmelite Nuns of Eldridge, Iowa

Carmelites of the Sacred Heart, Wisconsin

Discalced Carmelite Nuns at San Antonio, Texas

Cistercian Nuns

Poor Clares, Bothwell, Scotland

Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration

Poor Clare Colletines of Ty Mam Duw, Wales

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, Mishawaka, IN

Benedictine Nuns of St. Walburga Monastery

Passionist Nuns

Dominican Nuns of Summit, NJ

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Lord jesus Christ, Our Savior, have mercy on me and my children. Please be with us always in every trials and hardship we are having. Lord, we just just experienced flashflood and a lot had been damaged. I pray for courage to face the pains, anger and bitterness am feeling right now towards the father of my kids. When my kids asked for his help, he never exerted an effort to help us. In Your name, Lord Jesus, give him the conscience to realize and repent his wrongdoings he had done to us.Lord Jesus, I pray for love, peace and happiness in my family. Be with us always and show us the right way to to be in Your heart and worthy of Your love.
    My dear Lord, despite being a sinner, You have showered me with Your blessings. I thanked You dear Lord. Please forgive us.
    Lord, I pray for all the victims of this flashflood. Please help them.
    Thank You Lord. We all trust in You. Amen.
