Monday, July 21, 2008

Reclaiming Mary Magdalene's Reputation

Today is the Feast Day of one of my favourite Saints….Saint Mary Magdalene. St. Mary Magdalene is officially the patroness of penitents, hairdressers, pharmacists, perfumers, and reformed prostitutes, among other things. After coming up with a few more ideas of my own, I’m sure Mary Magdalene would be happy to take these other causes under her belt:

Fear of being judged: Whether or not she was the actual woman caught in adultery (John 7:53-8:11), Mary Magdalene has often been associated with this story. At the end of the story, Jesus asks the woman “has no one condemned you?” After she responds “No one, Lord,” He tells her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and do not sin again.” We can presume that the woman (aka, Mary Magdalene) followed Our Lord’s command and gave up her sinful life to follow Him. This was probably difficult enough. However, I can imagine that she probably had to contend with others judging her even after she had long given up her sinful ways. A former prostitute probably didn’t fit with many people’s idea of the “ideal” disciple. Chances are people whispered about her behind her back and made uncharitable remarks about her shady past. Or, perhaps Mary Magdalene feared that people would pass judgment on her, regardless of whether they were actually doing so.

I’ll admit that I’m one of those people who constantly fear others judging me. Sometimes I just don’t see myself as the archetypical “Catholic girl”…I often wear a bit more makeup and pink clothes than some of the jumper-clad girls at mass; I’m unable to tell you much about the latest Papal Encyclical, and other minor discrepancies. Oftentimes, I get down on myself and convince myself that others are disapproving of my spiritual style. There have been very dark times in my life in which I have stopped saying the rosary, attending adoration, etc. out of fear that I “just don’t fit in.”

Despite the many insecurities that Mary Magdalene may have felt, she was able to put aside her misgivings and be a staunch follower of Christ. Whether or not people disapproved of her, she moved ahead and lead a life of courage, penitence, and was one of the few followers at the foot of the cross. I’m sure that Mary Magdalene is a Saint upon whom we can call when we feel a bit insecure and when we feel as though we don’t quite fit in.

Victims of Gossip: Everyone dislikes being the subject of gossip, especially when the things being said about us are false. Indeed, Mary Magdalene was the subject of false gossip during both her earthly and heavenly life. Needless to say, the media has brazenly continued to make completely false claims about Mary Magdalene’s identity. Thus, I’m sure that Mary Magdalene is a perfect Saint to call upon when people are saying false things about us and our loved ones.

People in grief: At the Notre Dame Basilica, beautiful paintings of the Stations of the Cross encircled the church. In the final stations, I couldn’t help but notice the beautifully poignant representation of Mary Magdalene: her expression of tearful grief is almost tangible. Many of us have had times of grieving in our lives when we simply cannot hold back our emotions and we feel completely alone. The image of Mary Magdalene clinging to the foot of her cross in her emotional anguish is a powerful representation of her placing her own grief in union with the sufferings of Christ. It was in that same cross that Mary Magdalene ultimately found Easter joy.
On a less serious note, Mary Magdalene is usually depicted as a blonde….perhaps she is the unofficial patron Saint of blondes!

1 comment:

  1. What an inspired reflection! Thank you. May God bless you on your spiritual journey.
