Monday, May 12, 2008

Ven. Francis Libermann: Friend of the Holy Spirit

Happy Pentecost! I hope that you all had a wonderful Mothers’ Day/Pentecost yesterday. I find Pentecost a truly exciting day- it’s so wonderful to imagine how the fearful and timid apostles became courageous, eloquent evangelizers after being filled with the Holy Spirit. Just like the apostles prior to the descent of the Holy Spirit, we all have individual weaknesses and temptations that we must constantly battle. The story of Pentecost reaffirms that we are never left to overcome our weaknesses all on our own; God has the power to help us become the person that He wants us to be through the interplay of His Holy Spirit.
In honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit, I would like to share with you the story of Venerable Francis Libermann, the founder of the Spiritan missionaries. Not only did Libermann have to struggle against external circumstances, such as anti-Semitism and the death of his mother, but he also overcame his own depression and fear of rejection. You can read an overview of Libermann by clicking this link. Here is another excellent reflection of the role of the Holy Spirit in Libermann’s life.

Libermann’s story reminds us that whenever we face doubts, despair, and rejection, we should ask the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with hope and confidence.

"O Divine Spirit, I wish to be like a feather before you, so that your breath may carry me wherever it pleases, and I may never offer it any resistance."
Francis Libermann (1802-1852)

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