Sunday, July 30, 2006

"Heaven on Earth": Monastery of the Visitation, Mont Deux Coeurs

Alright, so I promised that I would only post on the Seraphic Mother, since we're leading up to her Feast Day, but I just had to tell you about this monastery that I found:

The Sisters of the Visitation Monastery of Mont Deux Coeurs is located in western Massachussets, and from looking on their web site, it seems like a beautiful and very traditional community of nuns who are on fire with love for our lord. For those of you who haven't heard of the Visitation Sisters, they are the order who have a special devotion to the Sacred Heart. You've heard me talk about Frank Parater, and he developed his strong devotion to the Sacred Heart because of his contact with the Visitation Sisters who lived near his childhood home.

Anyhow, please check out their web site here.

The thing that I really liked on their web site was a section called "News from the Novitiate," which features Sr. Bernadette Therese's reflections on life in the monastery. I honestly couldn't stop reading her wonderful "Heaven on Earth Column"- indeed, her presentation of monastery life seems to be highly realistic and honest:

"I do feel it’s important to know that it is a difficult life and there is no denying it, but the beauty, the love, the joy that is experienced in the living of a contemplative vocation is unmatched any where else on earth. I think I must have said this before, but it bears repeating, especially if someone out there (you?) is resisting the call. The truth of a religious vocation can only be tested in the reality of living it, and the living of a religious vocation can only be lived if one is truly called. I was surprised to learn from one more knowledgeable than I, that just because someone really wants to be nun (or priest, brother) does not necessarily mean that one has a vocation. And the converse can be true, as well."

I reccomend that everyone, whether or not you are pursuing a contemplative vocation, give it a read- it provides deep insights for laypersons and consecrated religious alike. Once again, the link can be found here.

If you wish to contact the sisters for general information, e-mail them here. For prayer requests, e-mail the Sisters here.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to begin my week, visiting something new and beautiful.Thank you for sharing this with us.

    God bless!
