Friday, June 16, 2006

"Franciscansploitation": Nacho Libre

Now I've heard about Franciscans breaking into the rap industry (Fr. Stan Fortuna)....but Franciscans dabbling in WWF style wrestling? The film Nacho Libre starring Jack Black, which comes out today, takes this wrestling idea and runs with it....unfortunately, it seems to have tripped.

The premise of the film is that a Franciscan Friar from Mexico (Jack Black) enters a "Lucha Libre" wrestling contest in order to raise money for his monastery.....and impress a nun. (Just a note to all of the wonderful Franciscan Friars out there: you've already impressed us women! don't need to cast aside your habits for spandex wrestling unitards in order to prove yourselves, as this movie suggests )

Despite my hopes of the film turning out to be inocuous, the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops movie reviewers (think former Legion of Decency) have given the film a rating of "O"- For Morally Offensive. This is the same rating that they gave to The DaVinci Code. Translation: you should NOT see this movie!

Here is an excerpt from the USCCB's full review:

Director and co-writer Jared Hess' unfunny follow-up to "Napoleon Dynamite" is utterly lacking in charm, wit or taste. Beyond the pervasive crude humor, the puppy-love relationship of its protagonists, both in religious orders -- regardless of whether they've taken "final vows" -- precludes recommendation. The "vows" reference, by the way, comes midway through the movie, but seems merely calculated to make the relationship more acceptable. Though their intimacy only goes as far as Nacho coming to Sister Encarnacion's room to eat toast, and going out on a "date" where at one point he pulls her toward him for protection from advancing tough guys, the flirtation is unseemly, going beyond Hollywood's past restraint in showing leading men chastely bonding with their clerical co-stars: "The Singing Nun," "Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison," and "The Nun's Story" come to mind.

In closing, don't contribute to "Franciscansploitation" by going to see this movie....go rent The Flowers of St. Francis instead.

Also....brown habits are so much more slimming than spandex wrestling pants, no?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the gift of joyous laughter you gave me this morning!

    Spandex indeed....can you just see the remake of the movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" with all of the brothers running around in spandex?
