Wednesday, May 03, 2006

New St. Clare Photo Gallery

"Chiara" fans....I apologize for not posting in a computer completely died, so I'm now reliant on the computer clusters, which are hard to come by. And, I'm hard pressed for time now that it's exam season. Please pray for me as I enter exams.

Right before my computer crashed, I was uploading my "St. Clare Photo Gallery," since after I graduate from Notre Dame, the old gallery that I posted when I first started my blog won't be available.

You can access the gallery here.

The pictures are smaller, but click on the thumbnails, and they will appear larger. Enjoy....and expect many more posts after this onus of exams is off my back!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Dear Chiara,

    I'd love to see your photo gallery, but when I click on the word "here," the message I get is:
    Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home2/fileup/public_html/data/users/index_users.php on line 2

    Please help!
    With many, many thanks,

    Victoria Scarlett
    Center for Sacred Art
