Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Nuns/Sisters Who Accept Online Prayer Requests

Over the past week, I found myself linking back to last week's Notre Dame post, where I included links to nuns/sisters who accept online prayer requests. In emergency situations, it's helpful to know that you can have these wonderful ladies praying for you and your intentions literally at the click of a mouse. I found that some of them- the Carmelites- even respond to me with very sweet personal notes letting me know that they are praying for me.

Here is a list of all the nuns/sisters that accept prayer requests online:

Contemplative Nuns at Prayer- Provided by the Archdiocese of St. Louis

Carmelite Nuns of Eldridge, Iowa

Carmelites of the Sacred Heart, Wisconsin

Carmelites, Worcester, MA

Discalced Carmelite Nuns at San Antonio, Texas

Cistercian Nuns

Poor Clares, Bothwell, Scotland

Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration

Poor Clare Colettines of Ty Mam Duw, Wales

Poor Clare Colettines of Barhamsville, Virginia

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, Mishawaka, IN

Benedictine Nuns of St. Walburga Monastery

Passionist Nuns

Dominican Sisters of Springfield, IL

Dominican Nuns of Summit, NJ

Dominican Nuns of St. Jude, AL


  1. Anonymous8:11 PM

    thanks for the plug you gave our Contemplative Nuns at Prayer website here in St. Louis!

    I love your blog....

    Hope all is going well for you!!

    Sister Eva-Maria

  2. This is the most wonderful website. You never have to feel alone in prayer. God Bless.

  3. Anonymous7:59 PM

    This site is gives so much peace and hope and
    prayer is the answer. Prayer is the way to easing worry and fear and lifting ones soul and heart to the Lord.
    I thank the Lord for this site. God Bless.

  4. Can you, please, fervently pray
    Thank you very much. God bless you. I pray for you. Praise the Lord for He hear prayers and answer on it.
    Kaca from Belgrade in Serbia

  5. Please pray for my dear friend and cousin, Sr. Constance, who is ill at the moment.

  6. I pray and pray for courage and strength and I believe prayer is the answer. Prayers for all need them today and everyday. God Bless.

  7. Anonymous8:50 PM

    My niece needs a healing prayer urgently. Prayers are the only answer and the only thing I could offer. She lives in California, and I am here in Florida. Thank God for this site. It felt good to know that there are a lot of people who are praying for her.

  8. please pray to dear jesus for me to get back all i lost and a lot lot more - also for a complete miracle in my life as well as my mind and body healed and to please take out the tormenting unclean spirit inside me for good - amen
    i suffer from anxiety and depression, i am desparate and get bad asthma, panic attacks and blackouts - my mind thinking is disordered - please help!
    james edward gerard fox

  9. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Please please pray for me and Gabriele. My name is Chiara and I have been in a 4 year relationship with Gabriele. I realised too late just how much I love this man and want to spend the rest of my life with him. Please pray that Gabriele may let go of past resentments, fears and doubts and give us another chance. I will respect, honour, appreciate and take care of this man with all my heart and soul. I am in so much pain and have been for 5 months now; please God help relieve the pain and daily angst I feel; I can't take much more of this. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ- Amen.

  10. I am currently in the process of divorce but i know deep inside my heart i want to have another chance to save my marriage. my marriage is only 8 months old and i know that this marriage can still be save. I love my wife Nancy and my step-children. They are a part of me and it tears me up inside that i am not with them. Please pray for me that my wife will stop the process of our divorce and for us to be together and a family again. I would like to be reunited with my wife and step-children, for me and my wife to have an open line of communication again. I pray that my wife and I will reconcile soon. I am loosing hope but trying to hold on to what is left and keeping the faith.

  11. Anonymous1:11 AM

    pls help pray for the fast recovery of inocencia generalo;
    pray for the total healing of the family trees of jesse & marlou jumuad
    to touch & soften the heart of jesse, change his heart to a heart of flesh, filled by the holy spirit, united by the sacred hearts of Jesus & Mary to unite his heart, mind & spirit to his spouse & children for family reconciliation & marriage restoration, in Jesus' name, to seal then their hearts as 1 family with the precious blood of Jesus.thus, ask fervently then the most poerful intercession of Mother Mary to finally dismiss our anulment case, thwart completely the plan of Jesse in marrying the other person & to stop their sinful relationship.
    finally, pls do pray too for the total healing of angel kaye's rheumatic heart disease & the asthma & sinusitis of Jessa Lou for their good health. amen. tnx so much for your continuous prayers.

  12. Anonymous10:34 PM

    please pray for my sister Josephine who is in the final stages of her battle with cancer.
    She has a strong devotion to the Blessed Mother.

    I will pray to our Lord to pour out his abundant blessings on all who read this


  13. Anonymous5:29 AM

    dear sisters in christ

    a court case is pending against me for the last six years. due to this i didn't get a government job so far. i need a complete deliverance from this court case in this year itself through THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS. The main hindrance is the court case in securing the job. So I kindly request you to keep me in your prayers so that i will be free from this bondage very soon. Now i am jobless, frustrated, and in deep mental agony hence i need your constant prayer support.

    thanking you in Jesus name
    Loy Lambert

  14. Please pray for us that the couple looking at purchasing my home see all the good qualities that is have to offer. Please let them be "the ones". Thank you Lord for leading them to my home. It would be a good fit for them and the neighbors. Please let them see this. The house is in a great location near a nature preserve, churches, good schools and easy access to get to where you need to go. Thank you for your grace Lord and the blessing that you give us.

  15. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Please pray for divine intervention to help me get out of the financial mess i have created for my self . please pray for me that i can earn enough money through my job to take care of my financial responsbilties including all of the recent doctor bills and emergency issues.
    please pray that this pray is answered in a timely matter. thank you

  16. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Prayer for my Husband Brock
    Pray for us, Saint Raphael, to the Lord Our God, the dearest Friend I have, in all confidence I open my heart to You to beg Your light and assistance with Brock. O Jesus, lover of the young, reunite, restore and reconcile us. Give me the light of Your grace, concerning Brock, who is to be my partner through life.

  17. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Saint Raphael - Prayer for my Husband Brock
    Pray for us, Saint Raphael, to the Lord Our God, the dearest Friend I have, in all confidence I open my heart to You to beg Your light and assistance with Brock. O Jesus, lover of the young, reunite, restore and reconcile us. Give me the light of Your grace, concerning Brock, who is to be my partner through life.

  18. Anonymous2:10 PM

    "please all nuns pray this with me, Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. i understand that sin is breaking of Gods commandments, and i understand that Christ died on the cross to pay for the punishment of my sins. I understand that i cannot earn my way into heaven thru good works for ephesians 2:8-9 says for it is by grace alone we are saved. i understand that sin is like lieing, stealing, etc. i have sinned against you and i deserve hell but Christ you proved your love to me on the cross by dieing and shedd your blood so that i could receive forgiveness of sins and rose on the third day to show that i can come from a sinful life and walk in a new life if i receive you into my heart so hOly Spirit i ask you to come into my heart today and i confess all known sins to you today and ask you to show me how to share the gospel with others and show others that we need to recognize our evils, turn from our sins, and understand it is thru the cross that we can receive forgiveness and we cannot earn bonus points with God, it is an act of surrender of will to receive HOly Spirit in our lives."

  19. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Pray for Home & family blessing.Pray & bless for Me ,Son, daughter & Wife. Make a reconciliation between us. Heal my son bad Habit such as Laziness,bad temper,stubbornness,disobedient,demanding,playful,childish & choosy eating.encourage to go to school & studying hard.stop playing game all time,feel his heart & felling Holy spirit & lead back his faith.Show him what thing need to do in daily life so that He won't feel bore such as to know Jesus as our savior,read bible,Go to church & Sunday School. Also pray for Wife, Josephine .She got a Paranoia & my daughter to make grow maturely, Love & understanding. Deliverance them from by possessed of wicked evil spirit

    In Jesus Name,

  20. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Please pray for my upcoming surgery this Friday. For the Doctors, my family and a positive outcome. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  21. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Our 41 year old son, Ray. He has a drinking problem that has negatively affected his 2 children, Chase and Daniel, and every aspect of his life. He is saved. Pray he recognizes and acts on Our Lord’s strength to permanently overcome alcohol and live a long abundant life. The whole family is very tired.

  22. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Please pray this prayer with me:

    Heavenly Father, my dear Lord, we thank you for the tremendous gift you have given JP and me in the form of our relationship together. Free our hearts and spirits to embrace, trust, and adore the love we receive from each other, and please see to it that there are no longer any limits to our love or impingements in the expression of our love for each other. Remove all boundaries and barriers and bring us together united as one in love and devotion to God through each other. Immerse JP and I in intense and beautiful love for the Lord, and through God for each other, every second of every day. Please give us amazing quality time to spend with each other every day. Enable us to grow in our intimacy, romance, connection, and commitment to/with each other through You. Teach us the beauty of forgiveness so we may become more and more one in heart, spirit and intellect, and trust each other without hesitation. Strengthen our communication with each other and help us become living signs of the love You have for each of us--validating, uplifting, and making each other's happiness and commitment to the relationship our absolutely priority. Please provide all the resources we need to achieve success and longevity in our relationship. Help us to be examples of commitment, love, care, and service to each other and the world. Make us a sign of the unity which Jesus prays for at the Last Supper. We open ourselves to the guidance and the miracles of grace offered by Your Holy Spirit, who empowers us to love each other in Jesus' name and walk in His footsteps. For a lifetime of joy, light, romance, connection and full immersion in love with each other, I request humble and say Thank You! In jesus' name I pray, AMEN!

    Please, Lord, provide for me that I quickly find full time employment that I enjoy and which pays me a lot of money. Please see to it that the business endeavor JP and I are currently working on is successful and bears fruit for us for the rest of our long lives. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN!

    Please, Lord, ensure that I lose a significant amount of weight quickly and healthily. That my body have the endurance and strength to bring me the beautiful body I've always dreamed of. I am thankful to God for my body. Please see to it that everytime I look at myself I am proud of and confident in what I see. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN!

    I exalt your name and I trust in your speedy grace. I love you, My Dear God. THANK YOU!

  23. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I am asking for prayers to be blessed with healthy baby from my womb..I am childless and getting old and miscarried twice which was devastating..I need miracle

  24. Dear Friars And Sisres In Christ,I Am jeevan,From India,the first son in the family,Please Pray For My Physical Mind Spritual Guidance From God And God's Blessings And Graces And Good Health,And God's Great Wisdom,And Humble Mind before God Jesus And Holy Spirit,And God's Kindness,And Good Friends,And Jovial Mind,Good And Beautiful Bride with God's Blessings And Graces, And Good Family And God's Blessed Children's, And Save My Soul God Jesus,This Prayer Request Plz Fasting Pray For My Soul And Entirelife,Thank Jesus Christ,Thank You.

  25. Dear Friars And Sisters In Christ,I Am Jeevan From India The First Son In The Family,Please Fasting Pray For My Forgiveness And Relief for Curse,Thank Jesus Christ,Thank You.

  26. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Lord in your mercy, hear my prayers. May they all be in your will. I pray for the reconciliation of my marriage and my family. A home, employment and a ministry. My heart is crushed but I am at peace in you O God. I humble myself before you tonight Heavenly Father and pray you look with pity on this sinner saved by your abundant grace. My faith and trust is totally in you. Lord in your infinite mercy, you know I don't want a divorce. Lord hear my cry, take mercy on my prayers. I only have 15 days left until the pending divorce becomes final. I am asking you O Lord, that you look not on my sins but forgive me and lift these prayers up into a miracle of your divine love. One that restores, brings hope, offers love and reconciles my marriage and family back together. One that transforms our lives under your holy righteousness. O Lord I pray earnestly that you look on us and make the world known through this prayer your almighty power. Let your light shine and be recognized among those who doubt and scoff at your mercy. I lay before your throne tonight, begging for your actions to be implemented. In you I have hope Father God. Through you Christ, I have love. By you Holy Spirit, I have endurance. Lord have mercy in my request. Use me for your purpose to proclaim the goodness and joy you have blessed me with. To share the Good News through my words, actions and deeds. May I follow Mother Mary's example by being faithful and relying on you and your precious word. In The Name of Christ I Pray. Amen+

  27. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Please im begging you pray for me and my husband Justin who says he wants to leave me. Ive been battling cancer and we have been through so much. Please pray he has a change of heart and stays with me and we rebuild our relationship. I love him with all my heart. Please pray he doesnt leave me. Thank you....Dawn

  28. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Please pray that I will be accepted as an RN in the hospital i am applying in california. thanks.

  29. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Please pray that I will be accepted as an RN in the hospital i am applying in california. thanks.

  30. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Please pray for me that i must meet my life partner this July 2011 and get engaged in 2011 and get married on 2012.Im in my thirties and yet to find my suitable partner and im very frightened.This Jul 2011 i must also get a very very good job and tender my resignation notice and letter in Jul 2011 itself.I must be very very happy in my new job and fully satisfied with everything about my new company.Pls im suffering alot in my present company.Pls help me dear lord.Im very very sad.

    Your devastated daughter

  31. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Please help us pray for divine intervention in J & A's relationship. For the truth, hope, light and love to come back in.

  32. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Please pray for a woman who kidneys are failing. She needs healing on so many levels. And pray for her loved ones who are suffering too. in Jesus' name.
    His Peace. And I pray for every request on this page if it be the Lord's will.
