Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Gift from St. Scholastica

For my birthday a few weeks ago, my boyfriend had given me a lovely St. Scholastica medal! However, since Scholastica isn't exactly on the "hot" list of Saints, he had to order it online so it was brand new and unblessed. I said to him at the time "the only thing I need now is to have a Benedictine bless it!" But where on earth was I to get a Benedictine, unless a Benedictine came to me?

St. Scholastica heard my prayer! Right out of the blue today, I received an e-mail notifying me that Fr. Fred Byrne of St. Vincent Archabbey, PA was visiting ND today to give a talk on Benedictine spirituality. I wasn't able to stay for the talk, but he was very kind and was able to bless my medal with his holy water. He was also very excited that I have a devotion to his Order's Holy Mother Scholastica!

Thus, our dear St. Scholastica has proven to be a wonderful intercessor and friend!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I love St. Scholastica.

    One day I suggested to my sister--who hopes to join the Benedictines--that she take the name Scholastica. She replied she would do so only if I took the name Benedict--which of course would imply that I was entering the religious life like she wants me to.
